Didactic potentialities of the Magic Squaress



Attitudes towards Mathematics, Arithmetic, Magic squares, Recreational Math


The objective of this document is to characterize the didactic potentialities that Magic Squares have based on the arithmetic and geometric skills associated with their construction and arithmetic and geometric properties, represented both by the basic operations that are involved there and by the ways of arranging its elements, without neglecting algebraic and geometric aspects that underlie the process of its construction. Methodologically, it responds to a documentary investigation that allowed us to find different types of Magic Squares such as Arithmetic and Geometric, full of potential to organize Mathematics learning activities. It is concluded that in its construction, mathematical skills can be reinforced, learned and developed because the staging of not only cognitive and metacognitive factors, but also socio-affective ones, is convened, highlighting that the perseverance assumed in this process corresponds to a vital action for develop favorable attitudes towards Mathematics and, therefore, Mathematical Resilience.


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How to Cite

Peña-Mora, H. J. ., & Martínez-Padrón, O. J. . (2022). Didactic potentialities of the Magic Squaress. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 2(1), 17–40. Retrieved from http://recipeb.espbie.ao/ojs/index.php/recipeb/article/view/109