Adequacy of basic support content in the teaching of Chemistry: A methodological strategy for meaningful learning



Teaching Chemistry, Contents, Strategies, Meaningful learning


This article aims to present the suggestion of basic support content in the teaching of Chemistry, to teach classes in a meaningful way, to students of the Chemistry course. The study was based on a qualitative approach, with observation being the instrument adopted for data collection, starting from classes taught by students in the 4th year of the Chemistry Course at the Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bié in 2019 in some schools in I and II Cycle of Secondary Education in Cuito-Bié. The results observed, such as the mastery of the themes and the methodological strategies for teaching chemistry in specific subtopics, were satisfactory for the investigation since the students acted naturally in the development of pedagogical practices, with the author only as a teacher


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How to Cite

Canjonjo, A. P. . (2023). Adequacy of basic support content in the teaching of Chemistry: A methodological strategy for meaningful learning. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 3(2), 19–29. Retrieved from