As metodologias ativas de aprendizagem: reflexões subsidiárias nas escolas do I ciclo em Angola



Teaching-learning, active metodologies, education


The discussion about active methodologies has taken a very important position in what are objectives of the new school, these are conceptions focused on the teaching-learning process that centralizes the student, discourage the insistence of teaching with traditionalist content. Our objective is to discuss the ways in which active methodologies can contribute to the learning of subjects in the Schools of the I cycle in Angola. The methodological nature of this research is bibliographic, that is, this research explores distinctive documents that guide the teaching-learning process in the schools of the I cycle in Angola. The main conclusions point to the lack of prior analysis of the discipline programs by teachers together with school managers, they should make use of active learning methodologies to reflect the programs received to the Ministry of Education (hereinafter MED) in order to make the programmatic contentflexible and generating meaningful learning in the classroom. The curricula and programs elaborated by med present terminologies reflecting traditionalism, do not reflect the specificities or educational problems of each context or province of Angola. During educational teaching practice, teachers hardly use active methodologies to make their classes innovative, generating knowledge and, overcoat, which position the student as an active subject in learning. Moreover, it is difficult, during the evaluations the students produce or relate what they study with their realities, some tests force the student to make a full copy of classes, that is, listen and memorize the contents studied to show in the tests.


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How to Cite

Muaquixe, J. C. . (2024). As metodologias ativas de aprendizagem: reflexões subsidiárias nas escolas do I ciclo em Angola. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 3(2), 5–18. Retrieved from