The development of scientific thought and pedagogical training in History



Teaching-learning, scientific thought, didactic strategy


The article focuses its attention on assessing the effectiveness of the proposal of a didactic strategy to promote scientific thinking in students who are trained to teach the subject of History at school. This result is based on a Research Project on scientific thought and its axiological implication, which is developed at the Máximo Gómez Báez University, deepening into the theoretical background on scientific thought from a pedagogical approach, which allows generating a change in the dynamics of the teaching-learning process, which enables a positive modification in the scientific thinking of the students. The research process started from the need to transform the methodological conception in the Didactics Discipline of Social Sciences since it manifested a tendency in the students to read the materials, the sources of inquiries and reproduce them, without reasoning, a theoretical study, the verification of the theory with the manifestations in educational practice, which would promote ways of solving the causes that generate the problems, so it is necessary to transform said educational reality that allows it in turn in its interaction with the School programs promote open, reflective thinking in general education, a teaching-learning process that encourages criticism, personal appreciation in students, asking questions, solving problems in a contextualized way, hence the importance of addressing that topic since the training of this professional.


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How to Cite

Díaz González, L., Pla López, R. V. ., & Rodríguez Barros, M. . (2021). The development of scientific thought and pedagogical training in History. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 1(2), 67–82. Retrieved from