"Who doesn't love, doesn't educate”: perceptions about the teacher as an agent of peace in Bié”
Teacher training, Peace education, Ubuntu and researchAbstract
Angola formalised peace in 2002 and is currently characterised as a post-conflict context undergoing a process of sustainable social peacebuilding. It is recognized that education can contribute to the social, economic, and political stability of societies, strengthen social cohesion and support peacebuilding processes in vulnerable contexts. This positive influence can occur primarily through the important role that schools, and particularly teachers, play in the socialisation of children and young people and in the development of values, attitudes and behaviours oriented towards critical thinking and peaceful coexistence. The aim of this paper is to learn about future teachers' perceptions of their role in reconciliation and peacebuilding in Angola and, particularly, in Bié. Adopting a qualitative methodology, a content analysis is made of data collected through focus group discussions with final-year students from two teacher training colleges for primary education. Analysing three thematic clusters that group together what was highlighted by the participants, we discuss the complexity of teachers' identities as agents of peace and, simultaneously, as members of post-conflict society, and conclude about the reconciliatory perspective of the new generations of teachers, about the importance of the social recognition of teachers, the creation of safe relational spaces for dialogue about the past in schools, the reframing of the curriculum and the school as a space for recovering the value of traditional Angolan culture.
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