Factors causing school retention at the Faculdade de Direito do Dundo da Universidade
School retention factors, Faculty of Law, Lueji A´Nkonde UniversityAbstract
The present study directed to identify some factors that cause the retention of students from the Faculty of Law of Lueji A’Nkonde University in the different school years. The article presents a review of the course of Higher Education in Angola until the last transformations produced by Presidential Decree No. 285/2020 of 29 October. The treatment of different concepts that make up this study serves to argue from theoretical point of view of different distinct positions of authors regarding the phenomenon of school retention in general. For obtaining and processing data, a set of methodological procedures summarized in the Bibliographic Consultation was established; Documentary consultation; Interview; Questionnaire survey and participatory observation. Regarding the population and the sample, those were integrated by the students, staff and teachers of FDULAN from which the sample was drawn, which is limited to 64 students, 5 teachers and some members of the board as well as the Department of Academic Affairs. The results are diversified according to the occupational typology of the informant.
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