Methodological actions to solve problems in the teaching-learning process of Linear Algebra



Teaching-learning, Linear Algebra, problem solving, methodological actions


The present paper proposes set of methodological actions, with the aim of contributing to the resolution of the problems concerning to the teaching-learning process of the Linear Algebra at the initial of teachers training process of Mathematics by using the Derive device at ISCED-Huambo, where the was applied the methodologies(quantitative and qualitative) were mixture with an exploratory research, whereby a documental, analysis, questionnaire and the statistical methods were fundamental  for the investigation. With this investigation we expect an improvement on the teaching quality of Linear Algebra of students on first year of Science of Education on Mathmatics teaching field at ISCED-Huambo .The students face the difficulties in the  contents related to the solve problem of Linear Algebra by using new technology system, which helped them to find an answer of their questions of problem situation, which motivated the researcher to develop the topic of this survey with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the quality in the teaching of Linear Algebra, which resulted in the elaboration of set methodological actions for the resolution of problem in Linear Algebra classes, organized according to the teaching indicators carried out, not just contextualized, basing  on the complexity degree of the students of the Linear Algebra at ISCED-Huambo


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How to Cite

Fernando, J. S. . (2023). Methodological actions to solve problems in the teaching-learning process of Linear Algebra. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 2(2), 38–58. Retrieved from