Exercises with weights in karate-do in the female school category



strength, weight exercises, Karate-Do, school category


Sports results in karate-dó are influenced by the physical preparation of the athletes, who, in the case of the south sports combined team in the Karatekas school category, train with exercises without weights to develop strength, resulting in unsatisfactory results. From this perspective, this work aims to propose exercises with weights to improve general physical preparation in the female Karate-Do school category of the Sul sports team. To carry out this research, theoretical level methods such as historical-logical and analysis and synthesis were used. , in addition to empirical research methods and techniques such as document analysis, surveys and interviews and the expert criteria method for evaluation. The community of experts demonstrates consensus and acceptance in the proposal for weight exercises. It is expected that with its application it will be possible to improve general physical preparation through the use of exercises with weights designed to develop strength with less time and less work intensity and enhance the increase in effectiveness in the karatekas under study.


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How to Cite

Román, G. T. (2024). Exercises with weights in karate-do in the female school category. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 4(1), 96–107. Retrieved from http://recipeb.espbie.ao/ojs/index.php/recipeb/article/view/219