Variables personales, conductas de estudio y rendimiento académico en estudiantes angoleños de educación superior
Academic performance, grit, self-efficacy, life satisfactionAbstract
School failure continues to be a major concern in educational policies around the world, and Angola is no exception. It makes sense to research the variables that have an impact on academic performance. The aim of this article is to analyze how the psychological or personal variables of Angolan students in higher education, of a motivational and well-being nature, relate to some study behaviors and academic performance itself. To this end, the Grit Assessment Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Motivational Strategies Scale (EEMA) and the students' perception of performance were used. After analyzing the psychometric properties of the scales, the correlations between personal variables and academic performance were analyzed. We concluded that the correlations between the three psychological measures and the three learning and performance indicators considered in this study were positive and statistically significant. The drive and self-strengthening scales tend to show higher correlations than the life satisfaction scale, which seems to be due to the greater or lesser proximity of the constructs assessed in these three scales and the students' learning and academic performance
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