Normative Shock in the Portuguese of Angola: a study based on the corpus with a focuson verbal regency, in the Lyceum nº 292- 4ª Division of Cuito
Normative shock, teaching difficulties, Verbal RegencyAbstract
This article socializes part of the results of our Master's thesis, whose objective is based not only on the understanding of the difficulties of teaching in the context of normative shock, but also on the characterization of Portuguese in the city of Cuito, in the Lyceum nº 292-4th Division. We sought to explore the problem in the field of verbal regency, through a sociolinguistic approach focused on linguistic variation and change. The research was conducted in a quasi-experimental methodological design, because of its non-random sampling. Three study groups were formed, namely: i) the experimental group composed of students from the 10th grade; ii) the control group, by the 12th grade students; iii) the balance check group between the two previous ones, composed of teachers. In terms of instruments, the test based on grammaticality judgment was applied, which allowed the linguistic competence of the informants to be assessed. The model phrases that made up the test were taken from the Journal of Angola, the Interviews section. Regarding the data processing, the content analysis methods were applied, in the quantitative-qualitative dimension. The final results reveal the emergence of new rules in matters of verbal regency in relation to European Portuguese, based on a trend of greater erasure of prepositions, although a low semantic awareness of prepositions was also inferred among the informants. The announced thesis according to which there is a clash of norms is confirmed, considering that the Portuguese that is defended to be taught differs from the one that is carried out, which should naturally imply a paradigm shift in the teaching of Portuguese.
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