Estágio Profissional Supervisionado: Uma Experiência no ISP- Caála



Supervised Internship, Supervision, Supervisor, Initial Teacher Training


This article is the result of an experience of the Supervised Professional Internship in the Teaching of Mathematics, at the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Caála, (ISP-Caála), as an integral part of the curricular plan of the 2nd year in the Master's Degree in Primary Education Methodology created by Executive Decree No. 93/20, of 28 February, with the aim of supporting the internship as a Curricular Unit in the initial teacher training courses in the iInstitutions of Pedagogical Higher Education,  that qualify and professionally qualify for Early Childhood Education and Primary Education. The study carried out is a "Case" whose typology is descriptive, accompanied by the interpretative paradygm. During the study, data collection instruments were used, such as: observation of the classes of two teachers and interviews with them and four students who at the time were carrying out their final internship in Primary Education. Part of this study, is the component of teaching classes and Didactics of Mathematics to students of the 2nd year of the Primary Education Course of ISP-Caála, whose results focus on the varieties of methodologies used in the classes and the various conceptions of Supervised Professional Internship


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How to Cite

Chivando, J. J. A. . (2024). Estágio Profissional Supervisionado: Uma Experiência no ISP- Caála. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 4(2), 94–108. Retrieved from