The influence of the castration complex on childhood sexuality
Freud, castration complex, childhood sexualityAbstract
The present study entitled “the influence of the castration complex on childhood sexuality”, aims to bring an articulation of the concepts about castration brought by Freud in his studies, analyzing the difference between the sexes and the way in which the castration complex will develop. in each of them. In it, an allusion was made to the study of the phenomenon in the sexuality of children of both sexes and consequently to the stages of their development in each of them. Also, the differences between the boy and the girl were emphasized, that is, the manifestations they present when they are faced with the castration complex. In this sense, to continue the present study, we used the type of bibliographical research through the contributions of Moreira & Borges (2010), Veigas (2012), Fiorini, (2014), Batista (2020) and Faria (s.d) among others, with a qualitative approach. The study methods used during the research are centered on analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and content analysis, respectively. The results achieved through the research allowed us to verify that the complex phenomenon of castration is known to few parents and guardians and, in turn, most of them have never even heard of the topic under study. On the other hand, it was found that many teachers almost do not discuss the subject in classrooms due to ineffective knowledge of it.
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