Constructive learning from the perspective of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky: a study at the Jean Piaget Polytechnic Institute in Benguela
Learning, Teaching, ConstructivismAbstract
In the field of psychology, constructivism is a scientific theory according to which knowledge results from the interaction of a sensory and motor intelligence with the environment. According to this theory, the student will only be able to adequately respond to various problems in the world around him, if, having the thinking structure formed and conscious, he knows how to manipulate and think about the response to give to those varied situations. The present study was carried out with the aim of awakening the students of the 5th year of the Psychology Course, option: Development and Education of the Instituto Superior Politécnico Jean Piaget de Benguela, the importance of constructive learning. According to the methodology of Investigation the study is equipped by descriptive-exploratory nature. The study included 10 students attending the 5th year of the Psychology Course, option: Development and Education with ages ranging from 20 to 50 years, 4 males and 6 females. A questionnaire with 12 questions was made, addressed to students focused on the research, all with closed answers format. The results pointed to the existence of training versed in the constructive perspective.
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