The challenges of implementing the national policy on special education oriented towards school inclusion: a look at the role of teachers' continued overcoming in inclusive education in the province of Bié



National Policy, Special Education, Inclusive Education


The main objective of this article is to address the importance of overcoming teachers in Inclusive Education content in the implementation of the National Policy on Special Education Oriented to School Inclusion in schools, educational communities and other sectors of society. The same highlights the characterization of Inclusive Education in the province of Bié, as well as the training strategy implemented during the period 2020/2021 to train, complete the theories, methodologies and practices for inclusive educational care, since the inclusive educational care of students with disabilities who have special educational needs in schools in the process of inclusion requires scientific work aimed at revealing the particularities of educational care, which makes it necessary to know the methodologies, policies and practices of action to better direct the feasibility of the National Policy on Special Education Oriented to School Inclusion. The theoretical foundations were based on authors such as, Soder, (1997); Sassaki, (1998); Hagreaves (2002) and Canjeque (2018). The research model used is qualitative, as it excelled in describing the complexity of implementing the National Policy on Special Education Oriented to School Inclusion in the Bieno context. The type of investigation is descriptive as it seeks to report the current and desired situation of the Inclusive Education process. During the course of the same, methods of theoretical level such as analysis-synthesis, historical-logical, induction-deduction and empirical levels such as: the survey by interview and by questionnaire were used, allowing the understanding of the objective reality as well as the futuristic projections of reality


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Soder, M. (1997). Devolver o deficiente à comunidade de onde foi excluído. Correio da Unesco, 9, nº 8, 20- 23



How to Cite

Dachala, H. J. ., Gando, E. V. ., & Matenda Ramos, M. E. . (2022). The challenges of implementing the national policy on special education oriented towards school inclusion: a look at the role of teachers’ continued overcoming in inclusive education in the province of Bié. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 2(1), 41–53. Retrieved from