Prospective analysis of the introduction of philosophy in the curriculum of pre-escplar education, primary education and I cycle of secondary education
Philosophy for Children, Cognitive abilities, Philosophical thoughtAbstract
This article makes an approach around relevance, on limits and possibilities of Philosophy as a space for reflection in Preschool Education and Primary Education, as transversal themes, from philosophical novels and in the 1st Cycle of General Secondary Education, as an independent discipline the title of example Education for Citizenship. For data collection, the research was based on two criteria; first from studies made by philosophers and educators such as Lipman, Sharp, Scolnicov, which support the entire course of the research and second, through the fact sheets of inquiry to the informants, that through questionnaires and ethnographic observation it was possible to problematize the results. The issues that are problematised here will be noticeable if the insertion proposal is a fact. In this understanding, the article has as its design, to provide children and adolescents with an educational space, reflective that propitiates the evolution of cognitive abilities, which leads them to think in a free and critical way, being one of the particularities of philosophical thought. Accordingly and based on the results obtained, it allowed us to conclude that: the student learns to reflect on the teaching subject, so that when he reads the texts, he will know how to interpret them; the student when questioning what he/she experiences inside and outside the classroom should know how to find answers to the problems raised by him/ her, even if they are not finished; the student should know how to produce a discussion with questions resulting from a logical thought.
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