Climate change education to the sustainable development



Climate change, sustainable development, pedagogical alternatives


The present investigation leaves an identified problem in the discipline of Environmental Education Seminary of Preschool Education. In evaluations were showed deficiencies as the education on the climatic change for the sustainable development. In this research it is meant the importance and the need of the theme in subject and in a private way the development of the education professionals´ formation for the function that corresponds them of educating the presents and future generations. Thus, it is declared as a general objective to propose pedagogical alternatives to strengthen education on climate change for sustainable development in students from bachelor´s degree in preschool at the Orient’s University. Were used some methods from theoretical level like analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction to study the research object. The observation, interviews and surveys from empirical level to obtain the pedagogical practice data. In this way, it is expected that the students of the course of Preschool Education are prepared in the three main dimensions of the climate change education for the sustainable development through pedagogical alternatives allowing to reach a better understanding of the climatic change, a better preparation as mitigation and adaptation to the conditions that it imposes the climate change.


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How to Cite

Téllez Cables, W. ., & Segura, R. S. . (2023). Climate change education to the sustainable development. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 3(1), 109–125. Retrieved from