The inclusion of the Umbundu language in the adult literacy process: Case of the Okutanga project



Adult literacy, zungueiras women, umbundu language, culture


This article sought to analyze the importance of the Umbundu language in the adult literacy process This article sought to analyze the importance of the Umbundu language in the adult literacy process based on the experience of the Okutanga Project, a project that seeks to teach Zungueira women to read and write in the city of Cuito-Bié, Angola. The data analyzed shows the positive impact that the inclusion of the Umbundu language has had on the Okutanga Literacy Project and encourages the preservation of the local language as well as introducing â, bê, cê from Portuguese. The research had a quantitative focus, and the survey technique was used to collect data.


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How to Cite

Dias, M., & Dungue, S. . (2024). The inclusion of the Umbundu language in the adult literacy process: Case of the Okutanga project. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 4(1), 38–53. Retrieved from