Memorial of The Battle of Cuito-Bié: a proposal to enrich the content of the 12th Class History program



Battle of Cuito Memorial, History Program, Teaching-learning History


This research aims to present a proposal to enrich the content of the 12th grade History program, with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the harmful effects of the war in Angola. To materialize the present investigation, it was necessary to resort to various methods, at a theoretical level (Documentary Research, Bibliographic Research, Analysis-synthesis, Inductive-deductive) and at an empirical level (Statistical-Mathematical, Questionnaire survey) and statistical (percentage calculation ). The research results reveal little knowledge of local history on the part of both students and teachers.


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How to Cite

Milongo, J. A. ., & Cahila, W. . (2024). Memorial of The Battle of Cuito-Bié: a proposal to enrich the content of the 12th Class History program . RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 4(2), 52–71. Retrieved from