POEM: Teaching-Learning Resource on the History of Angola and Africa



Poem, Learning resource, Teaching-Learning History


The teaching of History constitutes a great challenge for professionals in this area as it is extremely difficult to operationalize it due to its abstract nature, that is, as it constitutes a past reality, it is not possible to experience historical facts in laboratories as such. As with experimental sciences, thus leaving students less motivated, it was in this context as a result of the authors' experience that the idea of ​​writing an article emerged whose main objective is to analyze the poem as a teaching-learning resource for History (Angola and Africa ), taking into account the skills that can be developed such as: analysis, interpretation, establishing relationships/comparisons, in addition to making classes more motivated, creative and participatory, thus enabling students to construct their own knowledge. From a methodological point of view, documentary analysis (poem), bibliographic review, analysis and synthesis are used, which constitute fundamental methods in the construction of historical knowledge. The use of poems allows the formation, development and consolidation of the following skills: interpretation, analysis, synthesis, imagination, comparison, generalization, etc.


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How to Cite

Cahila , W. ., & Kandjo, J. S. . (2024). POEM: Teaching-Learning Resource on the History of Angola and Africa. RECIPEB: Revista Científico-Pedagógica Do Bié, 4(2), 72–93. Retrieved from http://recipeb.espbie.ao/ojs/index.php/recipeb/article/view/239